
Posts Tagged ‘pet’


She came to me when I needed her.

I came to her when she needed me.

Sitting at the animal shelter, waiting for my daughter to pick out a kitten, there she was.

Nervously pacing from one part of the room to the other.  Carrying a toy.  Put the toy down, go to the other side of the room.  Look anxious, go back, get the toy, take it to the other side of the room.  Do it over and over again.

I felt like that.  Restless.  No calm, no peace.  No place safe to put my stuff.   My feelings.

My mother was having chemo every so often for breast cancer.  I would make the 2  1/2 hour journey to Columbia to go with her and my dad to the cancer center.  Then, my dad died.   All through this grieving time, a spirit unsettled about marriage.

And Molly became my touchstone.  And I became hers.

Run like the devil she will if given a chance!  But always comes back.  Like me.  Always comes back.

Through the dark times of my life.  There when I needed her.  There when she needed me.  Like Jesus.

Now we are both healed, she of her nervous looking, me of my depression.  Praise the LORD!

This post is dedicated to Winston, my friend Shelley’s good dog who recently passed away.
Linking with Ann Voskamp @ http://www.aholyexperience.com/category/1000gifts/

She is the author of  One Thousand Gifts, and the blog A Holy Experience.  She promotes gratitude journals, and has challenged her readership to count 1000 gifts in 2012 with THE JOY DARE.

1.  This picture:









2. A husband who has chicken parmigiana fixed when I get home from work and riding lesson.

3.  Riding lesson.

4.  Horse.

5.  Being able to exercise.

6.  My pretty blue beta to look at in the mornings when I have breakfast and coffee.

7.  Coffee.

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